Dog Law – 2023 Act 18

Amending the act of December 7, 1982 (P.L.784, No.225), entitled "An act relating to dogs, regulating the keeping of dogs; providing for the licensing of dogs and kennels; providing for the protection of dogs and the detention and destruction of dogs in certain cases; regulating the sale and transportation of dogs; declaring dogs to be personal property and the subject of theft; providing for the abandonment of animals; providing for the assessment of damages done to animals; providing for payment of damages by the Commonwealth in certain cases and the liability of the owner or keeper of dogs for such damages; imposing powers and duties on certain State and local officers and employees; providing penalties; and creating a Dog Law Restricted Account," in short title and definitions, further providing for definitions; in licenses, tags and kennels, further providing for issuance of dog licenses, compensation, proof required, deposit of funds, records, license sales, rules and regulations, failure to comply, unlawful acts and penalty, for applications for dog licenses, fees and penalties, for kennels, for requirements for kennels, for revocation or refusal of kennel licenses, for dogs temporarily in the Commonwealth and for health certificates for importation; in offenses of dogs, further providing for dog bites and detentions and isolation of dogs; in dangerous dogs, further providing for court proceedings, certificate of registration and disposition, for requirements, for public safety and penalties and for construction of article; in injury to dogs, further providing for selling, bartering or trading dogs; in enforcement and penalties, further providing for enforcement of this act by the secretary and provisions for inspections and for enforcement and penalties; in sterilization of dogs and cats, further providing for definitions; and imposing penalties.