Breeder Referrals

AKC Breeder Referral Search

Search for Local Club Breeder Referral Officers. Local club Breeder Referral Officers may be able to help you find a breeder in your area. However, it is strongly recommended that you contact the Parent Club first, since they have access to a greater number of breeders and specific information on your chosen breed.

Altoona Area Kennel Association, Inc.

The Altoona Area Kennel Association, Inc. is a not for profit organization that has been in existence for over 30 years. It is the only Kennel Club in the Altoona area that is recognized by the American Kennel Club.

Berks County Kennel Club

We are a club of purebred dog enthusiasts, promoting and protecting the AKC dog breeds we love...Come explore our activities and learn about our passions. The Berks County Kennel Club has many activities throughout the year.

Harrisburg Kennel Club

Founded in 1934 by a group of dog fanciers in central Pennsylvania, the Harrisburg Kennel Club, Inc. has actively supported dog fanciers and the selective, responsible breeding of purebred dogs for more than 85 years.

Lancaster Kennel Club, Inc.

We are a dedicated group of pure-bred dog lovers in the greater Lancaster area. Lancaster Kennel Club, Inc., LKC, is a not-for-profit all-breed club consisting of owners, breeders, and exhibitors of all breeds of pure-bred dogs. Originally organized as the Lancaster County Dog Protective Association in 1921 to promote canine education for the community of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, LKC has served dog lovers for over 100 years. Incorporation as Lancaster Kennel Club occurred in 1945.

Lebanon County Kennel Club

The Lebanon County Kennel Club (LCKC) was organized in 1991 by a group of dog enthusiasts. Our group works hard to further the advancement of all breeds of purebred dogs by promoting awareness of dog welfare, responsible dog ownership, and ethical dog breeding and breeders.

Pocono Mt. Kennel Club, Inc.

The PMKC Objectives are: To further the advancement of all breeds of purebred dogs; To do all in its power to protect and advance the interest of all breeds of  purebred dogs; To encourage sportsmanlike competition at dog shows and obedience trials; To conduct dogshows and obedience trials under the rules of the American Kennel Club; To educate the community concerning the care and welfare of dogs.